Meeting & Incentive Summit

Meeting & Incentive Summit






Museo del Traje de Madrid

Museo del Traje de Madrid

Meeting & Incentive Summit

Meeting & Incentive Summit

On Wednesday 24 April 2013, PortAventura Business & Events attended, as one of the sponsors and exhibitors, the event « Meeting & Incentive Summit« . Held in Madrid’s Museo del Traje, this was the first edition of an event targeted at the sector of incentives and meetings, offering its guests the chance to meet up with other professionals and raise the profile of their businesses.    

Organised by Grupo eventoplus, it was a networking and training event that took place within an informal setting.  The gardens of the Museo del Traje in Madrid allowed for a combination of indoor and outdoor sessions such as a « talk and walk » (Freudian Walk). Amongst the speakers, of particular note were Catherine McGavock (Director of GBTA Europe), Inma Puig (Expert in Group Dynamics and Behaviour Analysis), Thessa van der Plas (Meeting & Event Space Manager for Nike), Ib Ravn (Founder of « Learning Lab Denmark), Lotten Tegstan Welinder (Meeting Concept Owner/ Regional Manager for IKEA) and Mike van der Vivjer (Co-founder of Mindmeeting) and author of the book phenomenon « Into the Heart of Meetings ».

Another outstanding aspect was the diversity of the sessions and formats (TED, Pecha Kucha, Open Space, Brain Storm, etc.) of the day’s agenda; all with an approximate duration of 20 minutes (the average attention span of the human brain). However the star format of the day was delivered by Campfire with sessions of 8 to 10 people who had the opportunity to communicate directly with the speaker.

To ensure successful networking during the « Meeting & Incentive Summit« , an appointments schedule was made in order to allow visitors to connect with the suppliers.   For this purpose the event app, mini golf and a lounge area were all great successes. It was attended by more than 70 exhibitors and 150 guests, who were exclusively sector professionals and sponsors (travel managers, event organisers, buyers, PCOs, DMCs, and incentive agencies). Finally it should be highlighted that PortAventura Business & Events was present at the networking dinner attended by some of the event attendees: national and international companies and agencies.

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